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Ice Time Rental Policies


Renters will be held responsible for the following:

  • Any damages caused to the facility due to your/participants/spectators' negligence.
  • Maintaining and cleaning the dressing room during and immediately following usage.
  • Abiding by all notices and regulation signage posted in the facility.
  • Ensuring that all participants wear approved safety equipment
  • Returning the dressing room lock to the Hockey Shop.
  • Articles or valuables lost or stolen on the premises.

All bookings must be made through the Holiday or Leisure Rinks Offices or Website or onsite at either facility.

Cancellations must be reported at least 21 days before booking to avoid payment. FULL payment is due otherwise.

All one-hour rentals are 50 minutes in duration due to the resurfacing of the ice. The ice will be resurfaced at the BEGINNING of your scheduled time. Groups renting multiple hours may dictate their resurfacing requirement, assuming a booking of two or more hours. Resurfacing will not be scheduled more than once an hour.

IMPORTANT. The OLYMPIA Ice Resurfacer will NOT go on the ice to resurface if there are ANY PLAYERS, COACHES, or PUCKS on the ice.  If a skater enters the ice surface while the OLYMPIA is resurfacing the Driver will go OFF the ice and not return. THIS IS AN ARENA RULE AND IS FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY!